Wednesday, June 4, 2014

W.I.N.N.E.R. announced. Inspiration abound.

Dana!  You's tha winna!  Rawkon! Well well well… DANA!  YOU are this week’s winner!  Woot to the woot!  Congrats and salutations and such!  Now, head on out into the big bad world and gather up two new words for next week’s challuunge.  Meet us all back here on Friday by 2pm to tell us what you found, in two words.

Now… here is your inspiration for this week’s words: CUPCAKE / PIRATE.  Enjoy, and we’ll see you back here on FRIDAY around 2pm or so…






1.a small cake, the size of an individual portion, baked in a cup-shaped mold.

2.Older Slang.

a.a sexually attractive young woman.

b.a beloved girl or woman.


How to draw a cupcake:






1.a person who robs or commits illegal violence at sea or on the shores of the sea.

2.a ship used by such persons.

3.any plunderer, predator, etc.: confidence men, slumlords, and other pirates.

4.a person who uses or reproduces the work or invention of another without authorization.

5.Also called pirate stream. Geology . a stream that diverts into its own flow the headwaters of another stream, river, etc.

verb (used with object), pi·rat·ed, pi·rat·ing. commit piracy upon; plunder; rob. take by piracy: to pirate gold. use or reproduce (a book, an invention, etc.) without authorization or legal right: to pirate hit records. take or entice away for one's own use: Our competitor is trying to pirate our best salesman.

verb (used without object), pi·rat·ed, pi·rat·ing. commit or practice piracy.

Pirate Mime:

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