Which came first: the chicken, the egg, or the challuunge? It matters not, because we have all the art posted below for your viewing and voting pleasures. Thanks to everyone that threw in this week, it has been a pleasure serving you… and as always we encourage anyone that didn’t throw in, to consider participating in the next challuunge. It’s a free activity that gets your creative juices flowing like Eazy-E on a warm winter’s eve.
Next week’s illustrious words were painstakingly provided by your fellow art challuunger, Danny Devine… so blame him if these are not your favorite words. And if they are, well that’s just what the doctor ordered then, isn’t it? Crack that whip!!!
Next weeks words are:
And now, without any further interruption by words that no one ever reads anyway… this week’s challuunges for: MOTOR / BREATH: