Friday, July 26, 2013

NOVELTY / ANIMAL art is up! Yo! Vote, dawg!

baby-computer-genius-101015-02So it’s been another bibulous, extended,   laborious week of work, play and/or wrangling kids/dogs/cats/employees/politicians/ice-sculpture-thieves, (insert what ever it is you wrangle here) and I say it’s high time to reward yourself with some art challuunge.  This week’s fine art submissions are posted below, so why not check em out and vote for your favorite!  I mean, now it’s so easy to vote for ALL your favorites, even a baby (pictured above**) can do it. 
**Not an actual baby voting on the art challuunge blog, voting is simulated thanks to the intranets…

Thanks Grace, our last week’s winner, for next week’s words:



Now, on to THIS week’s art.  Here are the submissions for NOVELTY / ANIMAL
Click to make big, vote for your favorite, share to grow the love! <-heh heh, unintentional…




Chocolate Thunder:
Chocolate Thunder


Hot Rod:HotRod

