Friday, March 4, 2011

Round 69: Galaxy / Seashell: ART

Thanks for the good words, Seth.  Now everybody look through the entries and vote for your favorite Galaxy / Seashell.  The winner gets to pick future Challuunge words.  Get to it!


Andy Moore AndyMoore_Galaxy-Shell

Kay R WarrenKayWarren_Galaxy-Seashell

Andrew JohansonAndrew_Seashell-Galaxy
Jason ‘Wurm’ DeenWurm_Galaxy_SeaShell
Adina PetersonAdina_Galaxy_Seashell


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cloud / Cephalopod Voting Results

The results are in and… IT’S A TIE! Kay R Warren and Andrew Johanson both had 38.5% of the vote. This hasn’t happen yet so we get to make up the rules as to how to handle it. How about each of the winners send in one word each making for an extra-random Random Words Challuunge. You both have until Friday 2pm to send in your words. Speaking of 2pm Friday…

[To be read in your best burning bush voice]
Reminder! Galaxy / Seashell artwork is due by 2pm Friday!