Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year to all the challuungers of the world.  It has been one single year since the last new year's celebration and all of you reading this have made it!  Congrats on one more year in the books.  See you all this Friday for CLEAR / BLOCK.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Hound / Fox Art!

If you take a peek below you'll find our Hound / Fox art.  Check 'em out, think it over, and then vote for your favorite.  Voting is going to be open for a whiiiiiiiile.  Everybody's gone for the Holidays so we're leaving this sucker open until January 2nd 2013.  Boom!

Next week's words: CLEAR / BLOCK And by next week I mean the week after next week.  Tis the season to blow off Challuunge for a week and kick it with family or something.  Enjoy!!!

For now, enjoy a dash of Hound / Fox.



 Andrew J:




Kay R. Warren:



Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Here there be the winner of last week’s art…

Mrff mfff mmm mfff fff mrr... mfff fmmm mrfff? Well Wurm, you did it.  You managed to rake in 35% of the vote, so happy day to you. 

As for the rest of you, thanks for throwin in this week.  I am sure if everyone could send the submitters an email it would read something like this: “Dear Challuunger, Thank you for brightening my Fridays.  From time to time I vote for you and your artistic throw downs are much appreciated.”  Am I right?

Anyhootle, don’t forget HOUND / FOX is due this Friday!


HOUND WIKI                                                                           FOX WIKI







Friday, December 14, 2012

Art posted. Words typed letting you know this…

Hello people of the interweb world… once again we are all on opposite sides of the globe and yet we all find ourselves gathering here on this little ol blog – only to judge the challuunges for our own curiosity, pleasure and to bestow bragging rights on the cleverest or cutest or most unique submission.  It’s only a few days until the end of the world, so a big thanks to everyone that took the time to throw down this week.  We love you more than you’ll ever know.


Next week’s words have been scribed in stone, and they will be:


Now, I’m not going to comment on the probability that these words were chosen by some off-the-wall random technique.  No, this would not be the time to comment on that probability.  But if I WERE going to comment on it, the probability that these two words were chosen in some random fashion would be 1,567,754,888,142,876,009 to 1.  Just sayin… thanks Danimal.  That’s really what I’m trying to say here… thanks Danimal for the wonderful submissions and these great words this week.  You are loved, you bearded bastard!

And now, the moment that the entire world has been waiting with baited breath for… this week’s challuunges.  Enjoy, and don’t forget to vote!  Here is the DINOSAUR / TEACUP art:














Kay R. Warren:






Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Look over there… oh, it’s nothing… RESULTS.

We have a winner for last week’s challuunge.  DANimal, you sir, are the winner of the illustrious and highly coveted bragging rights for one whole week.  Well, not exactly a FULL week, but at least until Friday, when you give up your crown of achievement and release on the challuungers two more random words. 

Now head on out into this great big world and create with all your heart’s content.  This week’s words are: 

Dinosaur / Teacup


Friday, December 7, 2012

FALL / SIGN… the art is posted! VOTE!

Drink in the art! Well well well… it’s that time, once again… to gather up your boot straps and view this week’s challuunge - with determination and mindfulness.  Drink in this week’s submissions… they are as tasty as they can be… Thanks to all who threw in this week, your participation is beyond the status of royalty!  Without you, there would be NO art challuunge… and then what the hell would you do on a Friday afternoon while waiting for the work hours to tick away?  More cat pictures and guys falling off of Stairmasters®?  BOOOORING! 


So put more excitement into your life, knock out an art challuunge!

And here are next weeks words:

Dinosaur / Teacup


And now, on to this week’s challuunge! 

FALL / SIGN art:














Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The winner this week is…


Congrats AndrewJ. you are the winner of this week’s challuunge!  Enjoy your week of bragging rights, for you sir have earned it!  Thanks again to everyone that threw in this week, it was another excellent turn out! 


FALL / SIGN is due this Friday by 2pm. 








Friday, November 30, 2012

Get your fresh ANTIDOTE – BREAK art!

Hot damn!  It’s that time again to view and vote for this week’s art!  It has been a wonderful 2 weeks since our last challuunge and here we are… refreshed… rested… and ready to take on the new day.  There are plenty submissions to choose from, so check em out below!  Don’t forget to cast your vote!  Thanks to everyone who threw in this week!  And a shout out to MikeFraley for our first EVER “Rap Poetry” submission! 

Here are your words for next week:


FINALLY!  Here beez the submissions for ANTIDOTE / BREAK:

(Click to make bigger!)













“Rap Poetry”

Yo, my name is MJFRA
Yo my name is MJFRA, and I’m sorry to say
That I hurt myself today while trying to play,
I went outside to do some rollerblade
When this car drove by and a girl yelled “Hey!”

I go so distracted by her pretty face
That my heart started beating at a rapid pace
I lost all control as I hit a crack
I went down hard and fell with a splat

I yelled out in pain as I rolled around
It hurt pretty bad when I hit the ground
I looked at my arm and it seemed to be fake
But at least for me it was a nice clean BREAK!

Off to emergency where they know me real well
To fill out some paperwork and sit for a spell
Doc took an xray and looked at my arm
Put me in a cast much to my alarm

He then jotted down something on a note
This is for your pain, a nice ANTIDOTE!
Now this is why I’m inside to stay
Playing these video games all night and day….

Fade, fade, fade away…..I’m your DJ MJFRA, FRA, FRA……



Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Aaaaaaaand… we’re back…

Untitled-1 Hope that everyone had a splendid holiday this past weekend.  I am sure there are one or two of us that had to down grade our belt notch one or two spots, but it was well worth it.  Now back to business. 

Don’t forget this week’s words are ANTIDOTE / BREAK

I am sure that everyone’s brains have been churning over concepts and ideas, and are booming with creativity.  Why not set aside an hour or so this week and knock out that art challuunge.  It’s due this Friday by 2PM.





Tuesday, November 20, 2012

This week’s winner is………..

We have yet another tie this week… with 28% of the votes apiece, congrats goes out to Kay and Wurm! Andrew was a very close second!  Kay, you have really been killin it lately!  Great work!  Thanks to all the challuungers and all of you that voted!  Kay and Wurm have until NEXT Friday to come up with the next week’s words. zWINNER

Don’t forget, we have an extended art challuunge this week, so we will meet up here NEXT Friday, November 30th, for the artwork for ANTIDOTE / BREAK

Enjoy your friends and family this holiday weekend.  I am sure we’ll be sending you some “reminder” “nag” emails periodically so you don’t forget the challuunge!  Hey, maybe someone will finally make an art challuunge out of turkey skin, pie tins and dried up mashed potatoes!  Or possibly someone will concoct a “leftover turkey bones” sculpture depicting the hidden meanings of the first five Shakespeare sonnets?  Who knows, there are limitless possibilities in this here world we share… have fun and we’ll meet up soon!

Friday, November 16, 2012

EVIL / CNIDARIA art is posted! Voting open!

art is posted up Welcome everyone to this week’s art challuunge.  The art has been submitted, gathered up and posted in this here blog for all your voting pleasures.  Please take a moment and view each and every challuunge, as they are all special and unique in their own special and unique ways… A big Huzzah! goes out to everyone who threw in this week.

Next week, by order of Kay’s brain, your words will be:




And now, without further ado… this week’s submissions for EVIL / CNIDARIA:




Chocolate Thunder:




Kay R. Warren:








PS… we have two honorable mentions that submitted a little late this week.  We still want to include them, but they can’t be added to the voting poll.  Sorry fellas.  Next week: 2PM… thanks for the submissions though! 




