Art is posted for TOOTH / HOLOGRAM! Oh yeah, that’s right! R-WAC is BACK, in effect, makin your view-balls bleed with pleasure and cauzin that serotonin to flow like… um… something that runs fast, like a long distance sprinter or perhaps a really fast car! We all can breath a collective sigh of relief, as we have all survived yet another wonderful week here on this flying planet of talking monkeys! So why not celebrate by crackin open a fresh juice-box and flex your voting fingers, not unlike jazz hands just not as “cool”, and throw down for your favorite challuunger! The art’s below, the voting thingy is below that… so get on at it! YEAH BUDDY!
Oh, thanks to last week’s winner, Shane, here are next week’s words:
Hey, let’s check out what our crazy-ass challuungers have tossed our way this week. Reminder, you can vote for as many challuungers as you want, and you can click those pics to enlarge! Booyah!
TOOTH / HOLOGRAM submissions: