Friday, December 14, 2012

Art posted. Words typed letting you know this…

Hello people of the interweb world… once again we are all on opposite sides of the globe and yet we all find ourselves gathering here on this little ol blog – only to judge the challuunges for our own curiosity, pleasure and to bestow bragging rights on the cleverest or cutest or most unique submission.  It’s only a few days until the end of the world, so a big thanks to everyone that took the time to throw down this week.  We love you more than you’ll ever know.


Next week’s words have been scribed in stone, and they will be:


Now, I’m not going to comment on the probability that these words were chosen by some off-the-wall random technique.  No, this would not be the time to comment on that probability.  But if I WERE going to comment on it, the probability that these two words were chosen in some random fashion would be 1,567,754,888,142,876,009 to 1.  Just sayin… thanks Danimal.  That’s really what I’m trying to say here… thanks Danimal for the wonderful submissions and these great words this week.  You are loved, you bearded bastard!

And now, the moment that the entire world has been waiting with baited breath for… this week’s challuunges.  Enjoy, and don’t forget to vote!  Here is the DINOSAUR / TEACUP art:














Kay R. Warren:






Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Look over there… oh, it’s nothing… RESULTS.

We have a winner for last week’s challuunge.  DANimal, you sir, are the winner of the illustrious and highly coveted bragging rights for one whole week.  Well, not exactly a FULL week, but at least until Friday, when you give up your crown of achievement and release on the challuungers two more random words. 

Now head on out into this great big world and create with all your heart’s content.  This week’s words are: 

Dinosaur / Teacup
