Friday, May 6, 2011

Zombie / Casino: ART!

Time for more artwork!  Zombie / Casino.  Good words.  Scroll down, check them out, and vote for your favorite.  Give the images a click to see them larger (or read them for Cory's).

Adina Peterson
Amber Burroughs
Dandrew Jovine
Danny Taylor
Cory Fleming
One pull could save the planet.  That was the line in the advertisement that caught Margaret's attention and ultimately brought her to the casino.  It was the thrill of millions of dollars changing hands, and although she would never admit it later, blood lust that kept her there for the seven hours she played before hitting the jackpot...  CLICK HERE to read the story.
Jason "Wurm" Deen

Monday, May 2, 2011

And our winner is…


With 46.7% of the vote, let’s all give a warm round of challuunge applause to Cory!  This is history, people…  This is twice that a short story has won the weekly art challuunge.  Not to say that we here at art challuunge thing any more or any less of any one type of medium, but wow.  Nice job Cory.  You now have until this Friday to chose your random words for next week’s challuunge.

Let us not forget this week’s words, due this Friday by 2pm: