Welcome, folks, to another riveting installment of this week’s inspirational art work deliveries… if you are like many, you have been waiting with baited breast to see what these crazy art challuunge people will come up with when presented with completely insane and remarkably incomprehensible words… Well, wait no longer, for the day of reckoning is upon us. Please kick off your shoes, grab a room temperature beverage and proceed to scroll through this here blog post, for there is great randomness abound.
And hey, why not get a peep and a jump start on next week’s words? It’s a great thing, and not many are doing it, so you can be an individual without the worries of becoming trendy…
Next week’s words are:
And now, for your viewing pleasures, and any other pleasures that please your pleasing glands…
this week’s art submissions for ATHLETE / VODKA:
Adina #1:
Adina #2:
Chocolate Thunder:
Gavin Black: