Friday, April 22, 2011

AQUA/HUNT submissions are now posted…

Here yee, here yee… this week’s random words art challuunge is now in session.  The honorable submissions have been posted for your voting pleasure. 

Next week’s words, chosen by Cory:

Locomotive / Field

Due by next Friday at 2PM

And now on to this week’s submissions for


(click pic/story for larger view/full story)

Amber Burroughs (new challuunger):AmberBurroughs_AquaHunt

Andrew Johanson:andrew_aqua-hunt 

Cory Fleming:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Short story~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Hole

When the United States Navy found the crushed remains of a deep-sea vessel west of the southern tip of South America in 1997, the first thought was Russian aggression. It would be nearly fifty years however before they knew the truth, that the destroyed submarine had in fact come from the future and that the crew…  cory_thumbnail Click here to read the full story…


Shane Henrichsen:Shane_Hnrichsen_AquaHunt


Wurm Deen:wurm_aquahunt


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It’s your trusty mid-week reminder…

Ok folks, today is April 20th… a very special day that lots of you may or may not have celebrated more than once when you were younger… that’s right people, it’s Crispin Glover’s birthday.  So let’s all raise a celebratory toast of orange juice to McFly today… and with all the celebrating, lest we not forget about our submission for this week’s words: AQUA / HUNT.  Now get on out there and do what ya do!

Monday, April 18, 2011

And this week's winner is...

It was a very close week and we have had more than usual voting, as well.  So, with 33.3% of the vote, this week's winner is: Cory Fleming!  Congrats, Cory... now you owe us 2 random words by this Friday at 2PM.

Don't forget this week's words, which are due Friday at 2PM as well: Aqua / Hunt