Meanwhile… when we last left our dastardly R-WAC crew, we were awaiting the submissions for Terra / Plasma. Little did anyone suspect the turn out for one of the strangest set of words would prove to increase significantly from weeks gone by. Never-the-less R-WAC was poised with the challuunge and had to post up the art and get the ballot for voting stamped. They owed it to the followers, the blog watchers, the lovers of all things random. All of the viewers were waiting with baited breath as the 2 o’clock hour approached. All of a sudden, as if by chance, the blog erupted with the posted artwork, as if the atom bomb it self had paid a visit to the ever growing blog of random words… and the voting would be fierce, my dear friends… Oh yes. The voting… would… be… fierce.
Your words for next week will be:
Thanks to all those that threw in this week, new and old. And now, with out further interruptions or strange collections of words to fill up space… this week’s submissions for TERRA / PLASMA. Enjoy. And don’t forget to vote!!!
Mike Fraley:Lunar prison - By Michael Fraley
As our shuttle landed on the dark side of the moon, I couldn’t help the feeling of total isolation. I stared out towards the terra, or the lunar highlands, the only visible landscape on this desolate orb. It reminded me of the Grand Tetons back home in Montana and jarred memories of how I got into this mess in the first place… Click Here to finish the story.