Friday, October 21, 2011

Buddha / Sand: ART

There is one fantastic person out there.  That person is named Mike Fraley.  There are probably many more people in this wide world that can be classified as "fantastic" but none of them did an Art Challuunge this week like Mike did.  So here's his entry.  The one and only Sand / Buddha which I'm thinking makes him the winner for the week.  
Next Week's Words:  Hairy / Grave  

hip hip hooray for Mike Fraley!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The winner for Terra / Plasma is…


Thanks to everyone in the cyberspace for voting this week.  Congrats go out to WURM!  Hey you… get the lead out and send us two random words by this Friday, eh? 

And this week’s words, don’t forget, are:


And now, for some random stuff from the 80’s to tide you over… hell, they may even inspire you to create something this week.