Friday, October 25, 2013

PREDATOR / METALLIC is up! Voting time!

Votes are what you should get on... Welcome back to the one and only blogspot that you can get your Art Challuunge fix from!  It’s been another week of rip roaring fantasy, frenzy and fun in the life of R-WAC… so much so that we forgot to post the winner of last week’s challuunge.  So congrats go out to DANimal and Hot Rod!  You tied it up, and with good reason.  You showed your skills were unmatched. 

So next week’s words will be:



And now, without further ado, we bring you this week’s challuunge art pieces for

Click em and they grow, vote and your appreciation shows!

Chocolate Thunder:Chocolate Thunder

Hot Rod:HotRod





Honorable mention, slash late submission.  Not in the voting but good stuff non-the-less.


Garrett:ghill - Metallic Predator