Stop whatcha doin, cuz I’mma ‘bout ta ruin… Good afternoon/evening/morning to you all. This week’s art has been posted below so that you can get your vote on… check em out and don’t forget to cast out that vote at the end… it is imperative that you vote because this blog’s life depends on it. There are very needy admins that sit in a room all week awaiting your votes so that they can manually be counted, collected and tallied up for the winner announcement on Tuesdays. If there are too many views vs. votes on the blog, these admins get anxious and could possibly spontaniously combust, leaving a real mess for the interweb custodian technicians to clean up, and NOBODY wants that! It will only delay the number of new and unique cat pictures that are populated in various spots over the web… so do your due diligence and cast that vote… you may just be saving an admin’s life! Oh, and thanks to everyone that threw down this week!
As for next week’s words, they are:
And now, the SEA / BEAR submissions!!! Enjoy and vote!!!
Chocolate Thunder:
Shane Henrichsen: