Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Winner announced! Have a merry whatever!

Wookie family photo on life day... ain't they cute!?And our winner this week is…. WURM!  Congrats you old fuddy duddy, you!  When we return from the winter break after new year’s, you will owe two words, so you better get on it!

Speaking of the new year, we here at the Random Words Art Challuunge (or R-WAC if you’re swanky) would like to sincerely and very optimistically wish you and yours a merry/happy/joyous season’s whatever.  We mean that.   We hope you all enjoy each other this winter season and celebrate the crap out of whatever it is you enjoy, be it this or that, celebrate like no one has ever celebrated!  Tis the season for friends, family and good cheer and beer, so raise a glass to your fellow human or pet or invisible alien pen-pal or Yule log lover in your life and give them a big, wet slobbery kiss from us! 

Also, we’d like to thank all those who participate in the Challuunges, all of those who vote, even those who stand idly by while everyone else votes and submits and forget to cast their votes, and to all those who just enjoy viewing the art.  Without you this would be a very lonely and desolate place, kind of like that ice planet in that sequel to that sci-fi movie that everyone is always talking about, and is debatably the best of the original three movies.  Anyway, thank you… that’s all we’re really sayin…

See you all back here after the winter break!

Vote. Create. Enjoy. Repeat.

faceyspacetwitty twit twitg plus, yo!

Friday, December 13, 2013

STILETTO/THUNDER art is up! Get U vote on!

"What do you want for xmas, Kuwalski?"..."MEAT!"

Here we are again, on a beautifully brisk Friday afternoon… gathering up all of this week’s submissions to present to you a truly amazing Challuunge.  Thanks to everyone that threw down this week. 

Next week’s words will be:

…on hold until the beginning of January!
Everyone enjoy the holiday break and we’ll see you back here this Wednesday to announce the winner of this week’s challuunge!  After that, we’ll see you back here at the beginning of the new year!


And now, we bring you this week’s challuunge for the words:




Hot Rod #1:Hot Rod

Hot Rod #2:Hot Rod 2



Vote for every single one you like, or just cast a vote for one!  It’s up to you!  This is your world!

PS… Honorable mention here… due to technical difficulties.  Sorry Dusty!  We’ll try to get that all sorted out by the next Challuunge!



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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

This week’s winner and inspiration…


Pineaple, we’re not sure what’s going on, but the NSA wants to investigate your winning streak, as of late.  Congrats, you are the winner again!  Get on some good words for this Friday.

In the meantime, here are some inspirations for this week’s words:



sti·let·to [sti-let-oh] noun, plural sti·let·tos, sti·let·toes, verb, sti·let·toed, sti·let·to·ing.


1.a short dagger with a blade that is thick in proportion to its width.

2.a pointed instrument for making eyelet holes in needlework.

verb (used with object) stab or kill with a stiletto.


thun·der  [thuhn-der]


1.a loud, explosive, resounding noise produced by the explosive expansion of air heated by a lightning discharge.

2.any loud, resounding noise: the thunder of applause.

3.a threatening or startling utterance, denunciation, or the like.

verb (used without object) give forth thunder (often used impersonally with it as the subject): It thundered last night. make a loud, resounding noise like thunder: The artillery thundered in the hills. utter loud or vehement denunciations, threats, or the like. speak in a very loud tone. move or go with a loud noise or violent action: The train thundered through the village.

Friday, December 6, 2013

RED/FANTASY art is posted! Time 2 vote!

What the... It's a... what? Good day brothers and sisters and fellow humans of earth.  We are gathered here today, on this fine Friday afternoon, to revel in the art made by the participants of the Random Words Art Challuunge.  We thank those that have bore their inner creativity this week, in the form of artistic expression.  We thank those that enjoy viewing the art every week, without fail, and cast their mighty votes for their favorite submissions.  We now would like to invite you to continue the ritual and cast your votes below. Maybe you are apprehensive and this could very well be your first time.  But fear not, gentle friends, you are not alone.  We are all here to help you through this very personal decision.  Yes, you have many blogs and various sites that you could be voting for things on, at this very moment.  I am positive that you have found yourself here, not by chance, but by the love and dedication that these folks give, week after week, and how inspiring they are, right?  Am I right?  So checketh out the artwork below and cast YOUR very own vote for as many as you want… for all those that speak to you… and brothers and sisters, we wish you well in the weekend that is upon us.  Stay safe, stay sane, stay positive and get your art on!!!  Huzzah!

Next week’s words will be:




And now, without any more jibber jabbers and what nots…

We present to you, free of any commercial interruption, this week’s submissions for

Click to make em bigger, view to increase endorphins in the brain…



Chocolate Thunder:Chocolate Thunder


Hot Rod:HotRod




Now, it’s time to cast those votes!  Pick as many as you want!!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Art Challuunge is on this week! Due Friday!

rwac is back from thanksgiving

Welcome back, everybody.  I trust everyone is full and ready for this week’s art challuunge, right?

Well, let’s get to some inspiration, shall we?  Here are your words, due this Friday by 2pm…



Sammy Hagar – Red

Red Hot Chili Peppers – 1986 Interview


Ween – Don’t Get 2 Clost 2 My Fantasy

Final Fantasy IV – Boss Battle Theme (Metal Cover)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

INERT/HUMAN winner! Inspiration!

pineaplewinner3 Pineaple, you lucky son of a motherless goat…  you are this week’s winner!  Hey, get with your friends and family and enemies this holiday and come up with two good words for the next week’s challuunge!  No more excuses!!!

Speaking of, remember to have a safe and sane holiday!  Or if it’s gonna be insane, make it in the membrane! 

Next words RED / FANTASY will be due NEXT Friday, December 6th.

Here is your inspiration for this week’s words:



1.any of various colors resembling the color of blood; the primary color at one extreme end of the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between 610 and 780 nm.

2.something red.

3.( often initial capital letter ) a radical leftist in politics, especially a communist.

4.Informal. red light ( def 1 ) .

5.Informal. red wine: a glass of red.

6.Also called red devil, red bird. Slang. a capsule of the drug secobarbital, usually red in color.


7.of the color red.

8.having distinctive areas or markings of red: a red robin.

9.of or indicating a state of financial loss or indebtedness: the red column in the ledger.

10.radically left politically.

11.( often initial capital letter ) communist.

12.of, pertaining to, or characteristic of North American Indian peoples: no longer in technical use.

Idioms the red, operating at a loss or being in debt (opposed to in the black ): The newspaper strike put many businesses in the red.

14.paint the town red. paint ( def 16 ) .

15.see red, Informal. to become very angry; become enraged: Snobs make her see red.


Fantasy Movie Adaptions with a Twist [VID]:


1.imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained.

2.the forming of mental images, especially wondrous or strange fancies; imaginative conceptualizing.

3.a mental image, especially when unreal or fantastic; vision: a nightmare fantasy.

4.Psychology . an imagined or conjured up sequence fulfilling a psychological need; daydream.

5.a hallucination.

6.a supposition based on no solid foundation; visionary idea; illusion: dreams of Utopias and similar fantasies.

7.caprice; whim. ingenious or fanciful thought, design, or invention.

9.Also, fantasia. Literature. an imaginative or fanciful work, especially one dealing with supernatural or unnatural events or characters: The stories of Poe are fantasies of horror.

10.Music. fantasia ( def 1 ) .



Submit your art here:
Cast your votes here:
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Friday, November 22, 2013

INERT / HUMAN art is up… times ta votes!


Ok folks, it’s time again to check out this week’s art and critique it like you were on a smarmy reality show.  Dig your heels in a view all the wonderful submissions below… it’s going to be a good week of voting.

Now, next week is Thanksgiving so we will be extending the challuunge until the following Friday, Dec. 6th… Damn, it’s December already?  My oh my… life sneaks up on ya sometimes, no?

Alright, enough of that, here are the words for the next two weeks:



And now, here are this week’s art challuunge submissions for INERT / HUMAN.
Click to make em bigger, and vote at the end!!


Chocolate Thunder:
Chocolate THunder



Hot Rod:

Hot Rod





Time to cast your vote:

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

RHINO / SEMIFORM winner! Inspiration!


Way to go Pineaple!  You pulled it out this week! 
Don’t forget to send in two words by Friday 2pm. 
Thanks to all that threw in…

And now, your inspiration for this week’s words, due Friday by 2pm:




[in-urt, ih-nurt] adjective

1.having no inherent power of action, motion, or resistance (opposed to active ): inert matter.

2.Chemistry . having little or no ability to react, as nitrogen that occurs uncombined in the atmosphere.

3.Pharmacology . having no pharmacological action, as the excipient of a pill.

4.inactive or sluggish by habit or nature.


[hyoo-muhn or, often, yoo‐] adjective

1.of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people: human frailty.

2.consisting of people: the human race.

3.of or pertaining to the social aspect of people: human affairs.

4.sympathetic; humane: a warmly human understanding.


5.a human being.