Friday, March 25, 2016

CHERRY / CRICKET art is up! Time for votes!

Welcome friends of the internets... thanks for joining us this week for the challuunge! There are so many choices that I don't know how you will pick. Thanks to the person that threw in this week, you are the only one... so, hey, you rule!

Next week's words will be:



Now, let's get down to the dirty.

Here are this week's submission for:


Click to make it bigger and vote at the end!


There's SO many CHOICES!

Pick a winner:

quiz tool

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Inspiration with a side of WINNER!

Welcome back friends... well, the votes are counted and it looks as though we have a winner.  So, let's get to it, shall we?

Last week's winner, with 33% of the votes is:


Yeah, boyee!  Now get on out there and come back with 2 new words by Friday!

Speaking of, Friday just happens to be when CHERRY / CRICKET is due... why not do up something while you are thinking about it?  Might be kinda fun, eh?

Here's some inspiration for this week's words, due this Friday by 2pm PST.