Friday, April 12, 2013

ZOMBIE / ROBOT art is posted! Vote time!


Time again to gather up your boot straps and lean on the art challuunges for help and guidance in this thing we call life.  If you can’t solicit complete strangers for ideas in your life then who can you solicit… um… never mind. 

The weekend is also upon us!  So grab a luke warm beverage and enjoy some ice cold kimchee and look through the art challuunge submissions below.  There has been mucho blood sweat and tears shed to bring you the art this week, so pay careful mind to whom you chose as your victor… Thanks to everyone that threw in!  You all rule the world of challuunges!

Next week’s words will be:



And now, without any more shenanigans and distractions of the like… we bring you the art for ZOMBIE / ROBOT.



Mike Fritz:MikeFritz

Reno Geek:RenoGeek



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

This week’s words are ZOMBIE / ROBOT!!!

banana-peel-slip-bobby-leach[1] Ok ok… I have NOT been hittin the sauce (yet) but I HAVE screwed up the art challuunge words.  So please note that this week’s words are


So here’s a video for robot.  I think we all know the definition… See you all on Friday at 2pm!!!

We have a POISON / DESTRUCTION winner!!!

zwinner Dear challuungers of the world… we have a winner for POISON / DESTRUCTION.  I give you your champion HOT ROD!  Hot Rod, you are a challuunger among challuungers, my friend.  Now, your prize is you owe us two words by Friday, so pick wisely.  There are many different ways to get random words for the challuunges… all of which we are not going to go into here… so good luck!  Also, thanks to everyone that threw in, the submissions were a delight to view. 

So now, we have this week’s words and some inspiration for each:

zom·bie  /ˈzɒmbi/  [zom-bee]

1.     a.  the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose.

1.     b.  the supernatural force itself.

2.  Informal.
     a. a person whose behavior or responses are wooden, listless, or seemingly rote; automaton.

        b. an eccentric or peculiar person.

3. a snake god worshiped in West Indian and Brazilian religious practices of African origin.

4. a tall drink made typically with several kinds of rum, citrus juice, and often apricot liqueur.

5. Canadian Slang. an army conscript assigned to home defense during World War II.


de·struc·tion  /dɪˈstrʌkʃən/   [dih-struhk-shuhn]  

1. the act of destroying: wanton destruction of a town.

2. the condition of being destroyed; demolition; annihilation.

3. a cause or means of destroying.

1275–1325; Middle English  (< Anglo-French ) < Latin dēstructiōn- (stem of dēstructiō ), equivalent to dēstruct ( us ) (past participle of dēstruere; see destroy) + -iōn- -ion

Related forms:
non·de·struc·tion, noun
pre·de·struc·tion, noun
sem·i·de·struc·tion, noun